Vilnius University Botanical Garden in Vingis
Vilnius University Botanical Garden possesses well-tended historical and contemporary plant collections which have been developed and cherished for over a century in the lower terrace of the Neris River, surrounded by the pines of Vingis Park. The book presents a brief overview of the main historical events and dates of this place, and introduces the old heritage (17th to early 20th c.)
which has survived, if only in part, to this day.
Vilnius University Botanical Garden was established in 1781. Over more than 240 years of its existence, the garden has evolved into an important centre for science and education, an integral part of the social life for the University and the community of Vilnius City residents. From 1919 to 1974, the entire Botanical Garden was fitted in Vingis, which, like a historical thread, connects the University itself with the old Lukiškės of the times of the Jesuits. In 1974, with the expansion of the garden, and with its centre and new departments having been moved to Kairėnai, only one Vingis department remained in operation in Vingis.
The book is dedicated to those interested in the history of Vilnius City, and to the visitors of the Botanical Garden wishing to find out more about plants and their variety.
„Vilniaus universitetas visiems“ – tai Vilniaus universiteto leidyklos mokslo sklaidos knygų serija, skirta plačiam skaitytojų ratui. Universiteto mokslininkai, ekspertai, savo srities profesionalai rašo aktualiomis temomis apie įvairias gyvenimo sritis: politiką, išskirtines asmenybes, sveikatą, augintinius. Šios serijos knygos parašytos lengvu stiliumi ir tai jas daro patrauklias ne tik akademinei visuomenei, bet ir visai plačiajai visuomenei, vyresniųjų klasių moksleiviams, studentams, visiems, pasigendantiems išsamių, mokslu ir faktais grįstų žinių įvairiomis temomis.
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