Irma Budginaitė-Mačkinė

Irma Budginaitė-Mačkinė is a PhD candidate in Sociology at the Department of Sociology at the Faculty of Philosophy at Vilnius University. Current research focuses on the relationship between migration and intergenerational solidarity, with particular attention to the normative attitudes, filial anxiety and personal support networks in an ageing society. Recent publications include: ‘Global Migration and Family Change in the Baltic Sea Region’, Journal of Comparative Family Studies (2016, 47(1)) (co-authoring with I. Juozeliūnienė); ‘How transnational families are seen to be ‘troubling’? Contesting and reframing mothering’, Sociological Research Online (2018, 23(1)) (co-authoring with I. Juozeliūnienė) and a chapter ‘Transnational families in Lithuania: multi-dimensionality of social relationships and their reorganization’ in Multi-ethnic and transnational families in Europe. Gender and generations (2018) (co-authoring with I. Juozeliūnienė and I. Bielevičiūtė).

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Making Lithuanian Families Across Borders. Conceptual Frames and Empirical Evidence [SUTARTIS NEBUVO PASIRAŠYTA]
This edited collection opens the door to understanding the representations and experiences of Lithuanian migrant families. The authors aim to highlight the most recent theoretical frames through which to understand the personal lives, family practices of migrants, and the ways family relationships c..
Grįžimo politikos įgyvendinimas Lietuvoje: ekspertai apie iššūkius ir įveiką
Šios mokslo studijos tikslas, pasitelkus grįžtamosios migracijos ekspertus, išryškinti probleminius Lietuvos grįžimo politikos formavimo ir vykdymo klausimus, aptarti gerosios patirties pavyzdžius, išsiaiškinti šeiminiams ryšiams draugiškos grįžimo politikos idėjos įgyvendinimo galimybes ir apibrėžt..
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Making Lithuanian Families Across Borders. Conceptual Frames and Empirical Evidence
This edited collection opens the door to understanding the representations and experiences of Lithuanian migrant families. The authors aim to highlight the most recent theoretical frames through which to understand the personal lives, family practices of migrants, and the ways family relationships c..
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